New ERASMUS+ KA2 project has started with the meeting in France
Europe is facing its greatest threat since World War II. The COVID19 outbreak is triggering unprecedented social and economic consequences. It has brought into question established practices and highlighted the importance of developing digital skills and tools in order to find innovative solutions to meet the new challenges in continuing to offer transnational work-based learning (TWBL) opportunities in the VET sector.
New project for improving work-based learning in VET
“Perfect Match” – new KA2 project (Project Reference: 2020-1-FR01-KA226-VET-095013), which brought together six organizations from Europe: France (IRFA APISUP), Germany (Staatliches Berufsschulzentrum “Heinrich Ehrhardt”, Eisenach), Italy (Centro Formativo Provinciale G. Zanardelli), Austria (Berufsschule Linz 7), Lithuania (Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre) and United Kingdom (European Placement Network Limited) and aims to develop three main results:
1. Online tutorials to develop key digital skills for trainees undertaking physical, virtual or blended TWBL: to improve students’ awareness and capacity to make effective use of the most valuable digital tools currently available before, during and after a work-placement;
2. Digital marketing materials for TWBL in light of COVID19: that can be used by VET providers to showcase the value of hosting trainees from another country to companies and increase awareness of new approaches such as possibilities for virtual and blended work-based learning;
3. Online “Market-Place” to facilitate TWBL opportunities in a COVID19 context: this innovative and user-friendly digital tool will allow the remote matching of trainees and host companies for transnational work-based learning.
Official start of the project and next steps in the project
On July 1-2, 2021 there was held the first transnational project meeting with project partners from all six countries in Thonon-les-Bains, France. The representatives met and got connected, presented their organizations, discussed about project management issues such as administrative procedures, risk management, project communication issues, project activity plan, etc. and launched the official start of the project.
Next transnational project meeting is planned in Austria, Linz on 14-15, October. Until October, each project partners have committed to make interviews with 20 companies with the aim of finding out the reasons why companies are intended or not to host students for TWBL. This will be needed to develop the intellectual products of the project.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.